To the extent the law allows, we shall NOT be held responsible for the nature of member-submitted content within forum posts or other member-generated messages sent through our services. The nature of content conveyed within forum posts and other member-generated messages is the sole responsibility of the individuals who have submitted or sent that content. Moreover, any personal views expressed within forum posts or other member-generated messages are exclusively those of their respective authors.
By using our services, you agree to the following stipulations:
1. You may NOT publish or otherwise transmit any abusive, threatening, hateful, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable content through our services. You may NOT publish any spam-related, or sexually explicit/suggestive materials through our services. You may NOT use our services to publicly convey personal details about other people which may jeopardize their privacy or security. You may NOT infringe upon copyrighted materials or otherwise violate any laws in any jurisdiction while utilizing our services.
2. Any content that you submit (including uploads, quotes, typed statements, etc.) may be reviewed by our staff and potentially moderated at any time. We reserve the right to edit, move, quote, or delete any post, thread, or other message, and to do so for any reason (with or without notification or explanation). We further reserve the right to restrict or eliminate any member account for any reason at any time. If and when they occur, such actions will be performed at our sole discretion.
3. As a spam prevention measure, we may transmit some of your user details, as well as any content that you have submitted (excluding that within Private Messages), to third-party verification services. Please do not publicly submit any content that you consider confidential or private.
4. By becoming a member of our community and utilizing our services, you are granting us a permanent, unlimited, and irrevocable, non-exclusive license to publish, republish, and otherwise use as we see fit, any and all content which you have publicly submitted through said services. However, if and when we choose to quote or republish an item of your content, that quote or republication shall be attributed to you as its author. You shall retain copyright authority over your intellectual property.
5. a) While utilizing our services, no member under 18 years of age may reveal any of the following particulars to another member: (i) his or her age; (ii) his or her location; (iii) his or her phone number; (iv) his or her email address; or (v) any personally identifiable details not previously mentioned. b) No person under 13 years of age may become a member without prior authenticated consent from a parent or legal guardian.
All terms and conditions presented herein are subject to change at any time and without notice. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions, please do not register to use our services. Or, if you are already a registered member, please do not continue using our services. Should you have questions pertinent to our Terms of Service, you may direct them to a Administrator.