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Thread: Not new to parrots

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Fernando's Gram's Avatar



    Not new to parrots

    Hi, I am Fernando’s Mom. He is a 9-week old dark turquoise Quaker. I had a Caique and a parrotlet for many years. They passed several years ago and I just got my Quaker on Tuesday. I am stumped by him as he just doesn’t want any interaction. But, I know to keep talking and trying.

    I am happy to find a place to share about parrots because I don’t know anyone who has one!

  2. The following user likes this post: (06-24-2023)

  3. #2
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    Welcome to the forum! Fernando is very young and it will take some time for him to get used to not having his mother and clutch mates around. Sitting and talking to him will help him getting used to you. What kind of food does he eat? Sometimes food/treats help to develop trust.

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