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Thread: Please Tell me what you think.

  1. #1



    Please Tell me what you think.

    Hi again, Guys. I'm hoping that everyone here is having a wonderful time. In addition, I was wondering if you could tell me whether or not Munchkin cats get along well with Amazon birds because I'm planning on getting one soon. I'm simply curious to know if anyone has any suggestions for me on that matter. It will be of great assistance.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    Please check your other post which has the same question.

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