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Thread: age & gender of Indian Ringneck

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    fiko's Avatar

    hello, I want to share joyful situation .my IRN start to come to my finger. And sometimes I am feeding in my hand. but it is still quiet here below updated photo.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1.jpg 
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ID:	5352Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2.jpg 
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Size:	72.9 KB 
ID:	5353

  2. The following user likes this post:

    Dragonlady2 (01-09-2021)

  3. #12
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    Wow! You are doing an awesome job!

  4. The following user likes this post:

    fiko (01-09-2021)

  5. #13
    Junior Member
    fiko's Avatar

    thank you, now my current target is to increase the chirp and chirp melody. and also exercises for speaking

  6. The following user likes this post:

    Dragonlady2 (01-11-2021)

  7. #14
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    Just keep talking to it. Read to it...eventually it may start chirping back to you.

  8. #15
    Junior Member
    fiko's Avatar

    Hello, by the way yesterday I arranged the audio recording part of the phone and left the TV on and went out with our family. I wondered if he was melodic crowing when no one was in house. When I arrived 1 hour later, I opened the audio recording. I heard he made melodic chirps for at least 15 minutes. Do you think this is occured because of he is not used to the household yet or because they are afraid of us ?

  9. The following user likes this post:

    Dragonlady2 (01-13-2021)

  10. #16
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    Have you tried playing the audio while you are in the room? Maybe it will get used to you being there when the audio is playing. Also, have you tried whistling to it?
    Your bird is making great progress. You should be proud of the work and training you have done with it.

  11. #17
    Junior Member
    fiko's Avatar

    hello, thank you. yes I always whistle. and I open the similar parrot videos. by the way Is it harmful to put a mirror in a parrot's cage or perch ?

  12. #18
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    Mirrors can potentially create problems. The bird may start to only interact with mirror and not you. The mirror may also encourage hormonal behaviour which can negatively change could cause plucking, aggressive behaviour etc. I personally do not use mirrors for those reasons. This is just my opinion.

  13. The following user likes this post:

    fiko (01-15-2021)

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