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Thread: Needs some new toys


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    Senior Member
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    Two cockatiel hens named Gracie & Matilda

    Needs some new toys

    Gracie is overall very gentle on her toys, and much prefers they give her scritches than get all torn up and make a mess in her cage. Some of the toys I bought for her when she first moved in are only just starting to look frayed, if that says anything about her playing habits, lol. She does like her toys though so I want to get her some fresh ones. Especially since we're coming up on her gotcha day in July...which is months away, yes, but I'm excited!

    I've noticed over her few years home that she only really chews on natural fiber toys -- everything else is exclusively for head-rubbing and using as a plate. So, what are your 'tiels favorite natural fiber toys?

    There has only ever been one toy that she completely destroyed and that was this: so that will be my example toy. I imagine I'll be getting her another one, lol.

    This thing is just plain cute. I think this would be a scritches-only toy so I don't think I'll be getting it, but I want to show you all anyways because it's adorable. I want to hang it on my wall.
    Last edited by rivx; 05-25-2019 at 05:01 AM.

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