Sorry I'm so slow in replying..things are super busy here. The go fund me page sits at $750.. thank you for contributing. The back storey is confusing other than the bird has been surrendered to the World Parrot Refuge and then thru a series of events ended up at the rescue in Edmonton Alberta. Cricket is now at home in the care of the person the go fund me page was set up for ,despite it not yet reaching the goal. The rescue saw the effort and support from hundreds of people who know , or know of this woman. Since she passed their home inspection with flying colors, the decided they would release the bird into her care permenantly until the page met its goal.If the time lapses and the donations don't move, our business has decided to cover the differance so there is no disruption in the birds life again. Again thanks to those who have donated. Cricket has a wonderful loving home now and is equally in love with her new home.She was picked up on Thursday.