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Thread: How do you get a good pic of your bird(s)?

  1. #11


    How do you manage to capture good pictures of your bird despite their quick movements, and have you tried specific techniques or settings to enhance the quality of the photos?

  2. #12
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    I wish I could help you with this but I am really challenged in this area. I just take enough pictures so that I am bound to get a few good ones and I just delete the rest.

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