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Thread: Australian King parrot

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    King Parrot's Avatar

    Australian King parrot

    Male Australian King-Parrots are the only Australian parrots with a completely red head. Females are similar to males except that they have a completely green head and breast. Both sexes have a red belly and a green back, with green wings and a long green tail. King parrots are normally encountered in pairs or family groups.

  2. The following 2 users like this post:

    kendrafitz (10-18-2015), spiritbird (10-18-2015)

  3. #2
    Junior Member
    Lori Lavers's Avatar

    Sorry for the threadromancy, but all the times I've seen King Parrots flying around I never realised the males and females were so different!

    Here's a pair that flew in the other day with a half-dozen other red ones - a bunch of lads having a day out, and mum or big sis tagging along
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	King Parrots.jpg 
Views:	6 
Size:	87.8 KB 
ID:	5340
    My Insta: - @for_parrot_lovers . Parrot pix aplenty!

  4. The following 2 users like this post:

    Dragonlady2 (06-30-2020), Lady (07-08-2020)

  5. #3
    Super Moderator
    Dragonlady2's Avatar


    Willy-Eclectus, Oliver-alexandrine, Mookie-Senegal, Bella- Australian King, Joey and Peewee- Barrabands, Peachiegirl-Peachfront conure, Pepper- crimson belly conure, Peanut-plum head, Babyblue-parrotlette, Harry and Louie-canaries.
    They are beautiful birds. I have a female Australian King. She is pretty quiet and loves to play/forage on the ground.

  6. The following user likes this post:

    Lady (07-08-2020)

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