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Thread: Balitimore Bird Fanciers - Spring Bird Mart

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    weimerheimer's Avatar


    Conures, Cockatoos, Amazons, & Macaws

    Balitimore Bird Fanciers - Spring Bird Mart

    The Baltimore Bird Fanciers Spring Bird Mart is coming up on Saturday, May 18, 2013.


    Hope to see you there!
    I'm a manly man that stands 6'-2" and weigh 287 lbs and I love my tiny little feathered friends ............... you gotta problem with that?

  2. #2


    Hunter (YN Amazon) - Sam (Magna DYH Amazon) - Nikolai (B&G Macaw) - Ripley (GW Macaw)
    WO-HOO!!! THAT one is actually within reasonable driving distance for me! YAY!!! Thank you SO much for the link, Lonnie!!!

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