View Full Version : Are any of your birds afraid of little kids?

05-25-2013, 11:30 PM
My BH Pionus is afraid of my 3 yr old nephew. Like she can't be in the same room with him. She freaks out and starts screeching, even when he isn't doing anything. She stays in the kitchen when he is in the living room and if he walks into the kitchen she immediately flys to the living room. When he is here I have to keep her out of her cage so she can leave the room he is in. I know that sounds weird but if she stays in her cage she is so nervous with him being here and screeches the entire time. At least out of her cage she can fly away where she feels safe.
She is nervous of all new people and won't let anyone approach her, I am the only one who can handle her. It's my fault I rarely have people over so my parrots are not well socialized. But none of the other birds are afraid of kids or people. The conures are pretty friendly but I think that is because they have to be the center of attention all the time!

05-26-2013, 12:42 AM
Merlin might be a little bit. Some kids she has acted fearful around and then others she was playing with and holding their fingers gently in her beak like she does with me.

Rowdy finds young children very amusing and Pete seems to as well.

I don't think this is abnormal though as parrots are definitely better companions for adults than children.

05-26-2013, 12:54 AM
Au contraire, Amigo loves them for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

05-26-2013, 01:19 AM
Well I believe it is all about socializing so the fact he may be afraid could change:), but on that note when I first got Billie our one blue and gold she hated little children apparently, she had shown some body language that may have proven this, but I found out quickly it was more there energy even she did not like. So within the time of having her we have worked with it and now she is fine with children it was just a slight change for her dealing with having an all adult house and never being around kids to going into a family house(no little kids) and going out to shows with kids, she really enjoys it and has adjusted well.

But some can just downright not like the energy children admit which is more the case with cockatoos as they just get wound up... Amigo I may be talking about you;)

05-26-2013, 01:31 AM
Yes, Justin, Amigo does get wound up, is that a cockatoo thing? He will actually try and lure children to his cage, sweetly, with his voice,, foot extended, (through the bars), saying, "Hii,ii,ii, there" in his old man creepy voice!

05-26-2013, 01:34 AM
Cockatoos are very much easily excited yes... They don't thrive well of a lot of energy and tend to get worked up. Even my most socialized cockatoo my m2 jackpot will get way worked up if giving the right environment and time of year. I've seen so many people get bitten by cockatoos by just approaching them with to much energy and force and then boom over stimulated and boom bitten:(.

05-26-2013, 02:24 AM
Crystal, I think your bird is on the right track. If I were him/her, I would be deathly afraid of a three year old! To me, that means good instincts.

06-03-2013, 06:10 AM
My Goffins is terrified of children. It was always me and my ex...or me and my current spouse. And he now lives in a household that has 6 adults. But we also have a kid on the way...so it's going to be interesting to see how he adjusts. As of right now it's something foreign that he wants no part of!

06-03-2013, 05:08 PM
Oliver is afraid if my 3 year old little brother, he starts making threatening growling noises if he (little bro) is within a four feet radius of him.

06-03-2013, 05:44 PM
I agree with Justin, I think it is the energy they have that makes birds nervous. I know my little 3 year old Marcus can make our birdies nervous when he is running around like a little crazy small person!

06-21-2013, 06:12 PM
KC my rescue ammie will sit in the back corner of her cage when the grandchildren are here so dont think she likes young kids very much! They know not to go to her cage which is in a corner with a chair not far away for protection, she is much happier there than being more exposed