View Full Version : Sick or Molting?

02-25-2019, 08:08 AM
My boy Boo (cockatiel) is usually pretty obvious when he is molting. This time around however I am not so sure. He has been really sleepy the last few days and his appetite has gone down. Usually he is a little piggy during molting and eats a ton but this time his appetite seems to have lessened. When offered fruit and veg, he isn't eating any of it and despite being given fresh food today, he has barely touched it. He ate a tiny bit and drank two swallows of water (he only ever takes two sips). But besides that and a little bit of roll, he hasn't been very hungry. He turned down watermelon yesterday and his favorite, spinach, today. It is odd. He is usually a lot more lively as well. I have been feeling a bit down the last two days myself, so I am not as bubbly as usual. Maybe he is picking up on it and reflecting that? Or maybe the molting is making him tired... He usually gets sleepy a lot when molting. He has been preening tonight and I noticed some dropped feathers, so that is on the molting end of things I'm sure. The only thing odd is when he is preening his back and particularly his one wing, he keeps yelping. He could just be sensitive but I am worried. I put him on my finger, stuck my hand up high and then straight down, causing his wings to go outward. He didn't have an issue with this at all. I also touched on that wing and he doesn't seem very bothered by it, so I am skeptical that he is injured there. It is just hard to tell as cockatiels are so good at hiding symptoms. We don't have the money for the vet right now and the temperature outside is super cold to try and transport him. I don't know if I am just overreacting or if this is just a "different" sort of molt, prompting different symptoms?! We are at the end of winter where I live and heading more into Spring next month, so maybe it is a heavier molt time? Hard to say... I'm very alone with this bird stuff so any advice is appreciated! Thanks! P.S. He seems to be pooping normally too.

Casper's 2nd best friend
02-25-2019, 09:50 AM
An immediate visit to the vet is called for, if you ask nicely they should let you pay over time :)
Sleepiness is usually a sign that all is not well. Birds try and hide any problems so when they do start showing signs that all is not right it is time to act quickly.
Put him in a twin wall cardboard* box with a pre-warmed towel for the journey.
Is he losing weight?
Casper also yelps when in pain, he was X-rayed and has a bit of arthritis which we treat with Metacam.
I hope its not serious and please let us know how it goes.
*extra insulation :)

02-25-2019, 01:54 PM
He really needs to be seen by a vet. Barring that, I believe there are some online “ask a vet” sites that you could access. Some are free. If he is yelping when preening, he is probably pulling out a feather. In the interim, he needs to eat and drink. Try cooking a little oatmeal and or sweet potato to see if he will eat that. Try using a spoon to bring the food to his beak. Applesauce is another choice. Does he, will he eat seeds? Sometimes anything is better than nothing. Add extra heat around the cage to keep him warm.