View Full Version : Owls as pets....

04-01-2017, 02:48 PM
I have seen a lot of information recently regarding owls as pets. Apparently there are owl cafes in Japan where you can go in and interact with tame owls that are placed around the room. There is a lot of criticism regarding this. It's illegal to own owls in Canada.

What do you think? If you could, would you own one?


04-01-2017, 08:36 PM
Oh how super cute they are! I too have seen a few u tube videos about the owl cafes in Japan. Some of those don't look like they should have them but other's I've watched look well cared for.
I don't want owl's to become house pets, even as much as I would love to pet one there are to many species of birds that we human's don't respect, or protect now.

04-01-2017, 09:24 PM
I already have trouble looking at my birds and seeing them in their cages (jail). I can't imagine taking them from the wild and trying to make them companionbirds. I feel sorry for the owls....although I just want to squeeze them and cuddle them, so cute.

04-01-2017, 11:26 PM
Beautiful birds, and very cute.

It is my understanding they do prey on smaller birds and will keep the smaller creatures away from your home.