View Full Version : Seminole

04-16-2013, 09:06 PM
Seminole is my 19 year old yellow napped amazon.. Recently she's cost me a small fortune in vet bills, she starts wheezing and only would do it at certain times..

So I obviously would get her to the vet to be checked out...

A bit of a back story on the bird.. She is a fast learner and will mimic most anything.. From talking to noises...
She talks in sentences... Lots of them bad... She's another rescue bird.. But i love her.. She's great for a laugh... Bad for company.. Lol

We'll after several trips to the vet and a clean bill of health each time.. I started to investigate the situation... And there's something that makes the wheezing sound.... Our neighbor doing stairs with their window open... Roflol... And Seminole sounds just like they do... So after hearing this... I yelled to the neighbors to think about an inhaler.... Lmao..they've since closed their window when exercising

04-17-2013, 01:17 AM
Aww really?? No body else has had a bird mimic something like this?! Wow..

04-17-2013, 12:57 PM
Yes, I have a rehomed CAG with a lot of health issues. Well, she learned to imitate my sigh. At first I thought she was breathing raspy but I also realized it sounded a lot like a human sigh. What I didn't realize is that I did that, lol! So I took her in for her monthly sinus flush and had the vet listen to it and she just started laughing and said, "She's imitating you!" Oops :)

Wendy K.
04-17-2013, 01:50 PM
:ROFLMAODog: That is THE funniest story I've heard in a LONG long time, Brandon! So after several hundred dollars in vet bills, you found out she was mimicking your neighbor. HAHAHAHAHAHA! :th_pinklol:

04-17-2013, 04:09 PM
Its funny now, but the wasn't then... I have an awesome vet.. But i was starting to wonder... You know what that does...

Then when I figured it out... I was mad lol

Wendy K.
04-17-2013, 04:40 PM
Oh I'm sure you were quite concerned for Seminole. :( You couldn't have known that she was healthy.

But the way you wrote the story is hilarious, and I could literally picture your face when you realized WHERE the wheezing originated.

04-17-2013, 06:22 PM
Our african brown head mimics coughing, at first we wondered.

04-18-2013, 12:11 AM
Jake snores , sounds just like me. I think it's funny, my wife doesn't. She also mimics your breath when she snuggles up to your face, she likes the feel of my breath on her.